Welcome Gridfinifans!

(Yes, that is a word I made up. Yes, it's terrible. No, I don't feel guilty)

This page generates STL files for customizable Gridfinity components, such as the basic divider bin. You can specify grid-unit-size and other parameters (such as number of compartments), and toggle options like holes magnets and/or screws, stacking lip, etc. Just fill in the parameters for one of the generators below and click the "Generate STL" button.

Feel free to let me know what you think on Mastodon or Discord

NOTE: This is a very early alpha version. It may produce incorrect output, fail inexplicably or cease to exist at any moment.

This generates a normal Gridfinity divider bin of your desired size with the extra option of compartments in both length and width directions

This generates a light version of the normal Gridfinity bin that saves plastic and offers more room. This means magnets and/or screws are not possible

This generates a completely filled solid Gridfinity bin which can be used as a starting point for custom bins