Gridfinity Creator


GridfinityCreator lets you generate STL or STEP files for several types of customizable Gridfinity components. For each type you can specify size, but also other parameters and options such as compartments, magnet-and/or screw-holes, a stacking lip and more. Just fill in the parameters and click the "Generate" button.


GridfinityCreator is alpha software. It may produce incorrect output, fail inexplicably or cease to exist at any moment.


There are quite a few other Gridfinity generators available, both online and offline, each with their own advantages and use-cases. The ones I know about are:

Made possible by ...

As is the case with most software these days, this application relies heavily on Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), generously released by their respective authors under an open license. Below is a list of the major tools, libraries and other components GridfinityCreator relies on:

  • CadQuery (Python framework for procedural CAD modelling)
  • Flask (Python web-application framework)
  • Jinja2 (Python HTML template engine)
  • Gunicorn (the WSGI server that runs GC)
  • Python (the programming language GC was written in)
  • Bootswatch/Flatly (the Bootstrap theme used for this site)
  • VS Code (my IDE of choice)
  • Git (for version control)
  • Blender (used to the render the images of the components across the site)
  • Docker (not FOSS, but still free as in beer)

Bare bones baseplate. No screws or magnets, just the minimum required to snugly hold your bins.

  • Size: Width and Length of the baseplate in grid units (1 unit = 42mm)
  • Other: Select the output format (STL or STEP)

Bin size is defined in grid-units. For Width and Length, the grid size is 42mm, for height the grid-size is 7mm

Note that there are limits to the size of the bins you can generate. For Width and Height the maximum is 6 units (252mm), for Height the maximum is 12 (84mm). These limits exist mainly to protect the server (larger bins are slower to generate), and these sizes are the actually larger than fit on common 3D printer beds


Bin size is defined in grid-units. For Width and Length, the grid size is 42mm, for height the grid-size is 7mm

Note that there are limits to the size of the bins you can generate. For Width and Height the maximum is 6 units (252mm), for Height the maximum is 12 (84mm). These limits exist mainly to protect the server (larger bins are slower to generate), and these sizes are the actually larger than fit on common 3D printer beds


Files can be generated either in STL or STEP format. STL is widely supported by 3D print software, but STEP is better suited if you intend to modify the model manually

(Before asking for 3MF support: The framework used to generate these files does have the option to export to 3MF, but this is currently a little buggy, and produces files that don't slice well)


The basic divider bin. Create one of your desired size and with any number of compartments in both length and width directions.

  • Size: Width, Length and Height of the bin in grid units (42mm for Width and Length, 7mm for Height)
  • Compartments: The number of compartments in the Length and Width direction
  • Magnets: Control whether magnet holes should be added, their size, and if additional holes for screws and/or magnet removal should be added as well
  • Labels: Control whether no label tab, a single label tab or a label tab for each row of compartments should be added
  • Other: Select the output format (STL or STEP) and whether to include a stacking lip and/or scoop ramp

Bin size is defined in grid-units. For Width and Length, the grid size is 42mm, for height the grid-size is 7mm

Note that there are limits to the size of the bins you can generate. For Width and Height the maximum is 6 units (252mm), for Height the maximum is 12 (84mm). These limits exist mainly to protect the server (larger bins are slower to generate), and these sizes are the actually larger than fit on common 3D printer beds


Bin size is defined in grid-units. For Width and Length, the grid size is 42mm, for height the grid-size is 7mm

Note that there are limits to the size of the bins you can generate. For Width and Height the maximum is 6 units (252mm), for Height the maximum is 12 (84mm). These limits exist mainly to protect the server (larger bins are slower to generate), and these sizes are the actually larger than fit on common 3D printer beds


Bin size is defined in grid-units. For Width and Length, the grid size is 42mm, for height the grid-size is 7mm

Note that there are limits to the size of the bins you can generate. For Width and Height the maximum is 6 units (252mm), for Height the maximum is 12 (84mm). These limits exist mainly to protect the server (larger bins are slower to generate), and these sizes are the actually larger than fit on common 3D printer beds


Independent of the size of the bin you can specify into how many compartments the bin should be split. So you can have a 2x2 bin with 9, 8 or 36 compartments:

Note that there is a maximum to the number of compartments, which is determined by the size of your bin. You can create up to 3 compartments per unit-size in Width and Length. So a 2x2 bin can have at most 6x6 = 36 compartments, and a 1x2 bin can have at most 3x6 = 18 compartments


Independent of the size of the bin you can specify into how many compartments the bin should be split. So you can have a 2x2 bin with 9, 8 or 36 compartments:

Note that there is a maximum to the number of compartments, which is determined by the size of your bin. You can create up to 3 compartments per unit-size in Width and Length. So a 2x2 bin can have at most 6x6 = 36 compartments, and a 1x2 bin can have at most 3x6 = 18 compartments


Gridfinity bins can (optionally) be held in place on a base-plate using magnets. There are 2 options for this:

  • Magnets are installed in the bottom of the bins and the base-plate has a suitable metal content (e.g. sheet metal)
  • Magnets are part of the base-plate, and there are screws in the bottom of the bins

To accomodate this, there are a few options to control the cutouts on the bottom of the bin:

  • Magnet holes: Controls whether magnet-sized holes are added to the bottom
  • Magnet removal holes: If selected this adds smaller holes slightly offset from the main magnet holes. This allows easier removal of magnets, should this be necessary
  • Screw holes: Controls whether screw holes are added to the bottom. Should be combined with the "Magnet holes" option to make room for a screw-head
  • Magnet-hole diameter: Controls how large the magnet holes are to accomodate different sizes. The GF default is 6.5mm

Below is a render of what different combinations of these options look like:


Gridfinity bins can (optionally) be held in place on a base-plate using magnets. There are 2 options for this:

  • Magnets are installed in the bottom of the bins and the base-plate has a suitable metal content (e.g. sheet metal)
  • Magnets are part of the base-plate, and there are screws in the bottom of the bins

To accomodate this, there are a few options to control the cutouts on the bottom of the bin:

  • Magnet holes: Controls whether magnet-sized holes are added to the bottom
  • Magnet removal holes: If selected this adds smaller holes slightly offset from the main magnet holes. This allows easier removal of magnets, should this be necessary
  • Screw holes: Controls whether screw holes are added to the bottom. Should be combined with the "Magnet holes" option to make room for a screw-head
  • Magnet-hole diameter: Controls how large the magnet holes are to accomodate different sizes. The GF default is 6.5mm

Below is a render of what different combinations of these options look like:


Gridfinity bins can (optionally) be held in place on a base-plate using magnets. There are 2 options for this:

  • Magnets are installed in the bottom of the bins and the base-plate has a suitable metal content (e.g. sheet metal)
  • Magnets are part of the base-plate, and there are screws in the bottom of the bins

To accomodate this, there are a few options to control the cutouts on the bottom of the bin:

  • Magnet holes: Controls whether magnet-sized holes are added to the bottom
  • Magnet removal holes: If selected this adds smaller holes slightly offset from the main magnet holes. This allows easier removal of magnets, should this be necessary
  • Screw holes: Controls whether screw holes are added to the bottom. Should be combined with the "Magnet holes" option to make room for a screw-head
  • Magnet-hole diameter: Controls how large the magnet holes are to accomodate different sizes. The GF default is 6.5mm

Below is a render of what different combinations of these options look like:


Gridfinity bins can (optionally) be held in place on a base-plate using magnets. There are 2 options for this:

  • Magnets are installed in the bottom of the bins and the base-plate has a suitable metal content (e.g. sheet metal)
  • Magnets are part of the base-plate, and there are screws in the bottom of the bins

To accomodate this, there are a few options to control the cutouts on the bottom of the bin:

  • Magnet holes: Controls whether magnet-sized holes are added to the bottom
  • Magnet removal holes: If selected this adds smaller holes slightly offset from the main magnet holes. This allows easier removal of magnets, should this be necessary
  • Screw holes: Controls whether screw holes are added to the bottom. Should be combined with the "Magnet holes" option to make room for a screw-head
  • Magnet-hole diameter: Controls how large the magnet holes are to accomodate different sizes. The GF default is 6.5mm

Below is a render of what different combinations of these options look like:


Bins can be generated with or without a stacking lip. The stacking lip is an extra raised edge that allows bins to be stacked on top of each other. Below is what a bin looks like with and without the stacking lip.


Bins can be generated with or without a scoop ramp, which helps pick small parts out of the bin with your finger. In bins with compartments there is a scoop ramp for each row:


Files can be generated either in STL or STEP format. STL is widely supported by 3D print software, but STEP is better suited if you intend to modify the model manually

(Before asking for 3MF support: The framework used to generate these files does have the option to export to 3MF, but this is currently a little buggy, and produces files that don't slice well)


Bins can be generated with or without a label tab:

For bins that contain compartments it is possible to have a label tab for each row of compartments:


Bins can be generated with or without a label tab:

For bins that contain compartments it is possible to have a label tab for each row of compartments:


The holey bin is a solid Gridfinity bin with a configurable grid of holes (round, hex, square, etc). Useful for things like a screw-bit organizer or battery-storage. You cannot specify the size of the bin. Instead, the generator will determine the minimum bin-size that fits the specified hole-grid

  • Hole Grid: How many holes you want in the Width and Length directions. The generator will create a bin of the required size
  • Holes: Control whether magnet holes should be added, their size, and if additional holes for screws and/or magnet removal should be added as well
  • Other: Select the output format (STL or STEP) and whether to include a stacking lip
Hole grid

The number of holes in the grid can be specified in one of two ways:

  1. By setting the number of holes in the Width and Length directions
  2. By setting the bin-size in gridfinity units.

In both cases the other quantity will be recalculated automatically. So as soon as you set a number of holes (either in Width or Length), the bin-size will be set to the minimum size required to fit that number. As soon as you set a bin-size (either in Width or Length), the number of holes will be set to the maximum that fit in that size bin. Combined with the keepout diameter this determines how big the bin will be.

Below you can see the result of increasing either the number of holes by 1 (bottom right), or setting the bin-Width to 2 (top right), while keeping all other parameters unchanged from the original 4x4-hole bin (left):


The number of holes in the grid can be specified in one of two ways:

  1. By setting the number of holes in the Width and Length directions
  2. By setting the bin-size in gridfinity units.

In both cases the other quantity will be recalculated automatically. So as soon as you set a number of holes (either in Width or Length), the bin-size will be set to the minimum size required to fit that number. As soon as you set a bin-size (either in Width or Length), the number of holes will be set to the maximum that fit in that size bin. Combined with the keepout diameter this determines how big the bin will be.

Below you can see the result of increasing either the number of holes by 1 (bottom right), or setting the bin-Width to 2 (top right), while keeping all other parameters unchanged from the original 4x4-hole bin (left):


The number of holes in the grid can be specified in one of two ways:

  1. By setting the number of holes in the Width and Length directions
  2. By setting the bin-size in gridfinity units.

In both cases the other quantity will be recalculated automatically. So as soon as you set a number of holes (either in Width or Length), the bin-size will be set to the minimum size required to fit that number. As soon as you set a bin-size (either in Width or Length), the number of holes will be set to the maximum that fit in that size bin. Combined with the keepout diameter this determines how big the bin will be.

Below you can see the result of increasing either the number of holes by 1 (bottom right), or setting the bin-Width to 2 (top right), while keeping all other parameters unchanged from the original 4x4-hole bin (left):


The number of holes in the grid can be specified in one of two ways:

  1. By setting the number of holes in the Width and Length directions
  2. By setting the bin-size in gridfinity units.

In both cases the other quantity will be recalculated automatically. So as soon as you set a number of holes (either in Width or Length), the bin-size will be set to the minimum size required to fit that number. As soon as you set a bin-size (either in Width or Length), the number of holes will be set to the maximum that fit in that size bin. Combined with the keepout diameter this determines how big the bin will be.

Below you can see the result of increasing either the number of holes by 1 (bottom right), or setting the bin-Width to 2 (top right), while keeping all other parameters unchanged from the original 4x4-hole bin (left):


The keepout diameter controls the circular area that should be kept open (free of other holes or the edge of the bin) around each hole, for example to ensure there is enough room for your finger tips to grab an item. of holes in Width and Length directions specify how many holes the grid consists of. Combined with the keepout diameter this determines how big the bin will be. The generator will create a bin of the minimum size required to fit the hole-grid

Here you can see the result of increasing the keepout diameter while keeping all other parameters unchanged:


The hole shape controls the shape of the holes in the grid. Hex holes can be used for screw-bits, circular holes for things like batteries or drill-bits. Squares are useful for ... square things.

Here you can see the options available for the hole shape:


The hole size controls the following dimensions for each hole shape:

  • Circles: the diameter of the holes.
  • Hexagons: the inscribed diameter (that is, the distance between 2 corners).
  • Squares: the length of the sides

Here you can see that the hole size does not immediately change the grid or the size of the bin because of the keepout diameter:


The number of holes in the grid can be specified in one of two ways:

  1. By setting the number of holes in the Width and Length directions
  2. By setting the bin-size in gridfinity units.

In both cases the other quantity will be recalculated automatically. So as soon as you set a number of holes (either in Width or Length), the bin-size will be set to the minimum size required to fit that number. As soon as you set a bin-size (either in Width or Length), the number of holes will be set to the maximum that fit in that size bin. Combined with the keepout diameter this determines how big the bin will be.

Below you can see the result of increasing either the number of holes by 1 (bottom right), or setting the bin-Width to 2 (top right), while keeping all other parameters unchanged from the original 4x4-hole bin (left):


Bins can be generated with or without a stacking lip. The stacking lip is an extra raised edge that allows bins to be stacked on top of each other. Below is what a bin looks like with and without the stacking lip.


Files can be generated either in STL or STEP format. STL is widely supported by 3D print software, but STEP is better suited if you intend to modify the model manually

(Before asking for 3MF support: The framework used to generate these files does have the option to export to 3MF, but this is currently a little buggy, and produces files that don't slice well)


Gridfinity bins can (optionally) be held in place on a base-plate using magnets. There are 2 options for this:

  • Magnets are installed in the bottom of the bins and the base-plate has a suitable metal content (e.g. sheet metal)
  • Magnets are part of the base-plate, and there are screws in the bottom of the bins

To accomodate this, there are a few options to control the cutouts on the bottom of the bin:

  • Magnet holes: Controls whether magnet-sized holes are added to the bottom
  • Magnet removal holes: If selected this adds smaller holes slightly offset from the main magnet holes. This allows easier removal of magnets, should this be necessary
  • Screw holes: Controls whether screw holes are added to the bottom. Should be combined with the "Magnet holes" option to make room for a screw-head
  • Magnet-hole diameter: Controls how large the magnet holes are to accomodate different sizes. The GF default is 6.5mm

Below is a render of what different combinations of these options look like:


Gridfinity bins can (optionally) be held in place on a base-plate using magnets. There are 2 options for this:

  • Magnets are installed in the bottom of the bins and the base-plate has a suitable metal content (e.g. sheet metal)
  • Magnets are part of the base-plate, and there are screws in the bottom of the bins

To accomodate this, there are a few options to control the cutouts on the bottom of the bin:

  • Magnet holes: Controls whether magnet-sized holes are added to the bottom
  • Magnet removal holes: If selected this adds smaller holes slightly offset from the main magnet holes. This allows easier removal of magnets, should this be necessary
  • Screw holes: Controls whether screw holes are added to the bottom. Should be combined with the "Magnet holes" option to make room for a screw-head
  • Magnet-hole diameter: Controls how large the magnet holes are to accomodate different sizes. The GF default is 6.5mm

Below is a render of what different combinations of these options look like:


Gridfinity bins can (optionally) be held in place on a base-plate using magnets. There are 2 options for this:

  • Magnets are installed in the bottom of the bins and the base-plate has a suitable metal content (e.g. sheet metal)
  • Magnets are part of the base-plate, and there are screws in the bottom of the bins

To accomodate this, there are a few options to control the cutouts on the bottom of the bin:

  • Magnet holes: Controls whether magnet-sized holes are added to the bottom
  • Magnet removal holes: If selected this adds smaller holes slightly offset from the main magnet holes. This allows easier removal of magnets, should this be necessary
  • Screw holes: Controls whether screw holes are added to the bottom. Should be combined with the "Magnet holes" option to make room for a screw-head
  • Magnet-hole diameter: Controls how large the magnet holes are to accomodate different sizes. The GF default is 6.5mm

Below is a render of what different combinations of these options look like:


Gridfinity bins can (optionally) be held in place on a base-plate using magnets. There are 2 options for this:

  • Magnets are installed in the bottom of the bins and the base-plate has a suitable metal content (e.g. sheet metal)
  • Magnets are part of the base-plate, and there are screws in the bottom of the bins

To accomodate this, there are a few options to control the cutouts on the bottom of the bin:

  • Magnet holes: Controls whether magnet-sized holes are added to the bottom
  • Magnet removal holes: If selected this adds smaller holes slightly offset from the main magnet holes. This allows easier removal of magnets, should this be necessary
  • Screw holes: Controls whether screw holes are added to the bottom. Should be combined with the "Magnet holes" option to make room for a screw-head
  • Magnet-hole diameter: Controls how large the magnet holes are to accomodate different sizes. The GF default is 6.5mm

Below is a render of what different combinations of these options look like:


This generates a light version of the normal Gridfinity bin that saves plastic and offers more room. This means magnets and/or screws are not possible.

  • Size: Width, Length and Height of the bin in grid units (42mm for Width and Length, 7mm for Height)
  • Other: Select the output format (STL or STEP) and whether to include a stacking lip

Bin size is defined in grid-units. For Width and Length, the grid size is 42mm, for height the grid-size is 7mm

Note that there are limits to the size of the bins you can generate. For Width and Height the maximum is 6 units (252mm), for Height the maximum is 12 (84mm). These limits exist mainly to protect the server (larger bins are slower to generate), and these sizes are the actually larger than fit on common 3D printer beds


Bin size is defined in grid-units. For Width and Length, the grid size is 42mm, for height the grid-size is 7mm

Note that there are limits to the size of the bins you can generate. For Width and Height the maximum is 6 units (252mm), for Height the maximum is 12 (84mm). These limits exist mainly to protect the server (larger bins are slower to generate), and these sizes are the actually larger than fit on common 3D printer beds


Bin size is defined in grid-units. For Width and Length, the grid size is 42mm, for height the grid-size is 7mm

Note that there are limits to the size of the bins you can generate. For Width and Height the maximum is 6 units (252mm), for Height the maximum is 12 (84mm). These limits exist mainly to protect the server (larger bins are slower to generate), and these sizes are the actually larger than fit on common 3D printer beds


Bins can be generated with or without a stacking lip. The stacking lip is an extra raised edge that allows bins to be stacked on top of each other. Below is what a bin looks like with and without the stacking lip.


Bins can be generated with or without a label tab:

For bins that contain compartments it is possible to have a label tab for each row of compartments:


Files can be generated either in STL or STEP format. STL is widely supported by 3D print software, but STEP is better suited if you intend to modify the model manually

(Before asking for 3MF support: The framework used to generate these files does have the option to export to 3MF, but this is currently a little buggy, and produces files that don't slice well)


The solid bin is a completely filled solid Gridfinity bin which can be used as a starting point for custom bins.

  • Size: Width, Length and Height of the bin in grid units (42mm for Width and Length, 7mm for Height)
  • Magnets: Control whether magnet holes should be added, their size, and if additional holes for screws and/or magnet removal should be added as well
  • Other: Select the output format (STL or STEP) and whether to include a stacking lip
Advanced settings

Below is the specification of the grid used by the generator to create components. You can select one of the presets or adjust the settings individually.


All measurements are in millimeters


The defaults comply with the Gridfinity specification and have been tested to work well. Don't make any changes unless you have a good reason to do so and you know what you're doing.



Gridfinity Creator v0.4.3. ©2024 Jeroen Bouwens.

Source. Discord. Donate.